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Fun Stuff
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Author:  chungwit [ 9. February 2011 01:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

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Author:  chungwit [ 2. March 2011 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

"I am on a drug, it's called 'Charlie Sheen'. It's not available because if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."

"I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitching, a total fricking rock star from Mars, and people can't figure me out, they can't process me. I don't expect them to. You can't process me with a normal brain."

Charlie Sheen shows his characteristic restraint.

Author:  chungwit [ 6. March 2011 19:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff


Author:  chungwit [ 31. March 2011 21:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Slovakian architecture of the 60s and 70s.

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Poprad station

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FIS winter Sports Complex or where Daniela did her off-season training

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Author:  chungwit [ 19. April 2011 20:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Not now, Gunnersaurus

APRIL 17, 2011
tags: Arsenal, Gunnersaurus, Hillsborough, Liverpool, minute's silence
by Richard Osley

THERE was a warm tribute at Ashburton Grove today before Arsenal’s match with Liverpool for Danny Fiszman, the much celebrated club director who died last week, and, on the anniversary of one of football’s worst tragedies, for the supporters who died at Hillsborough.

Yet, true to form, the Gunnersaurus mascot, with his clumsy feet and permagrin, felt the need to join the rank of players in the centre circle. There’s a time and a place for this dino to appear, throwing freebies into the family enclosure, not bowing his head in prime position for a minute’s silence. He’s been here before.

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UPDATED: This is now being discussed on the Arsenal fans forums across the information superhighway. One of my favourites contributions is this comment on the Arsenal Mania site.

i dont even get the big deal with gunersaurus
it’s like some idiots fail to realize that it’s a human undermeath the costume so who gives a ****? a fellow human is not allowed to pay respects to the dead?
you’d much rather he be disrespectful and walk off in the middle of minute’s silence?
making a big deal out of nothing, bloody typical

So there you go.

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Author:  chungwit [ 21. May 2011 19:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Just finally, can you tell us a joke?
Um, the most recent one I heard in Italy was a guy was walking with two watermelons and they ask him what time it is, and he puts both of them down and says "I don't know" with his hand expression.

Victoria Azarenka tries stand up. Thank you, she's here all week.

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Author:  chungwit [ 20. June 2011 18:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

String theory:
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Author:  chungwit [ 1. July 2011 00:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Guess the grunter:
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Author:  chungwit [ 22. August 2011 17:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

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- official and unofficial racquet advert.

Author:  chungwit [ 24. August 2011 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Author:  chungwit [ 26. August 2011 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Baseball War!

How come he gets a jersey and she doesn't?

Author:  chungwit [ 9. November 2011 00:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Author:  chungwit [ 25. November 2011 18:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Author:  chungwit [ 18. December 2011 19:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Robert Evans' MVP Watch!
Time to start thinking about who the leaders are for the NFL's MVP award. So every week, legendary Hollywood producer Robert Evans will join us to give us his assessment. Take it away, Mr. Evans.

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"Baby, my favorite for the NFL's MVP this year is still Aaron Rodgers of the Packers! I still don't get people doing this whole flirting over Facebook thing. Whatever happened to finding sexual partners the old fashioned way: through a good casting session! My God, some of tail I used to pull from those sessions. Sometimes, Nicholson and I would hold casting sessions for movies that didn't even exist! Creepy? YOU BET! Effective? LIKE NO OTHER.

"I remember one time, Nicholson wound up with the fabulous MEG TILLY on his casting couch. It was our usual hustle. We told the gals auditioning that we were making a sequel to Chinatown. So they come in and we get them to take their tops off and it's EVANS TIME as always. Well, Tilly comes in and Nicholson is smitten. Just absolutely enthralled by her. He has to have her, and so he goes into this whole spiel about what the movie's gonna be like, and he's saying Harvey Keitel is gonna be in it, and he's pulling scenes out of his ass right on the spot, JUST TO GET AT HER. Three days later, Nicholson bursts into my office and screams, 'Evans, we gotta make the picture!' And I have no clue what he's talking about. 'Chinatown 2: Never Forget It!,' he says. And he goes into this long spiel about how Tilly did things to his penis that NO other woman has ever done, and how he has to keep the lie going if he wants to keep dipping it in the well. 'You don't understand,' he tells me. 'She beats the SHIT OUT OF ME. She gives me the stern asswhipping I deserve. I've never met anyone like her.'

"And that, friends, is the story of how The Two Jakes ended up getting produced. Nicholson and Tilly broke up three days into shooting. No wonder it sucked."

I just nicked it from deadspin.

Author:  chungwit [ 19. December 2011 17:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Stuff

Robert Evans' MVP Watch!
Time to start thinking about who the leaders are for the NFL's MVP award. So every week, legendary Hollywood producer Robert Evans will join us to give us his assessment. Take it away, Mr. Evans.

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"Baby, my favorite for the NFL's MVP this year is still Aaron Rodgers of the Packers!

A few hours after that gets posted the Packers lose, to the Chiefs of all people :shock: Mercury Morris probably creamed himself.

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