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China Open, Beijing
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Author:  ever_the_optimist [ 25. September 2008 18:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

I think theres is no doubt that she has improved over the last few days and despite her blip in the 2nd set against Tanasugarn it sounds like she is playing well. I think though its too much too soon for her to beat a top top player in Jankovic and would be very happy with a battling defeat. There is no pressure on her to do well in this match and thats the philosophy that im going to take into it


Author:  chungwit [ 25. September 2008 18:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

This is a match that Daniela can win but she has to put in a really good performance with big serves, powerful accurate groundstrokes and good movement and she has to sustain her performance level. Daniela has to move well and be prepared to hit another shot as Jankovic will get a lot of balls back and it's important that Daniela dictates the rallies and doesn't let Jankovic get a rhthym because long rallies will suit Jankovic. Jankovic generally doesn't hit loads of winners but she puts sustained pressure on her opponents with her consistent groundstrokes and her retrieving. Plus, Jankovic is a very solid player and will punish any errors or bad play from Daniela.
For me, I'm looking for a good performance and if Daniela wins then that's great but if not, then Daniela can take a lot from this tournament and use the momentum and confidence gained here for the rest of the year.

I'm also hoping that the match is going to be on tv or at least that the livestream doesn't go wrong like it did in the third set yesterday. It worked fine for the Querrey match and the Chinese motorcycle cops show but started to get slower and was buffering a lot as Daniela's match went on, so I pressed refresh to try to speed it up a bit and then it went flip-for-mac is no longer working, do you want to restart? :x :x Bloody hell, that and the match was not increasing my peace. Still Daniela won so all's well that ends well. The stream seemed to be working ok when I tried it today, so here's hoping for tomorow.

The motorcycle cops show was fascinating, I was wondering what would happen to any miscreant. Off to a Re-Education Camp, I suppose. "Off to camp for you, you scoundrel. Time to learn." But they just seemed to drive their bikes around.

Author:  christina [ 25. September 2008 19:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

hmm I don't think Danka's match will be on ES. Only tennis from 09.45 to 11 CET, and Danka will play at 19 pm Beijing time which is 12 here, right?
I am desperately looking for someone with CCTV5 so I can keep these matches forever.

Author:  MartinH [ 25. September 2008 20:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

Danka will play at 19 pm Beijing time which is 12 here, right?

Danielas match begins at 13.00 CET/11.00 GMT, Beijing is 6 hrs ahead of CET/8 hrs ahead of GMT. I'm sure, Eurosport will not show this match. The only possibility is internet (or satelit).

Author:  christina [ 25. September 2008 21:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

Damnit, then I can't see it. I have to be at work at 2 pm.

Author:  Oriental_Rain [ 26. September 2008 01:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

JJ moves well so Danka need to counter attack that somehow... and of course, her serve! She plays crappy when her serve is crappy!

Author:  THOMAS [ 26. September 2008 08:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

Zheng v Ivanovic 7-6 2-6 6-4

Author:  monmon [ 26. September 2008 11:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

:o what's happening to Ana

guys is there a site wherein i can watch Danka's game against JJ tonight?

Author:  christina [ 26. September 2008 11:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing


To see links you must be a member of our community! Please register for free!

choose any of the ATp tennis links.
I've used this one for the two previous Danka matches:
To see links you must be a member of our community! Please register for free!

Author:  monmon [ 26. September 2008 12:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing


To see links you must be a member of our community! Please register for free!

choose any of the ATp tennis links.
I've used this one for the two previous Danka matches:
To see links you must be a member of our community! Please register for free!

thanks christina...i'm in the office right now and the site was blocked..i need to go home now 8-)

Author:  eddy [ 26. September 2008 12:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

Good luck Daniela - shame I can't watch the match but all the best!

Author:  monmon [ 26. September 2008 12:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

oh my.... :?
the game is about to start...
c'mon Danka do your best...

Author:  christina [ 26. September 2008 12:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

a lot better start than in the Tanasugarn match. Holds to 30, all first serves in. Vamos.
Good luck, Danka. I'll be going to work now. :cry:

Author:  kallur83 [ 26. September 2008 12:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

jankovic breaks back 2-1*
JJ holds serve *2-2
Daniela holds serve 3-2* :)

Author:  THOMAS [ 26. September 2008 12:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: China Open, Beijing

Im watching on CCTV5 but its broadcasting some athletic stuff right now.
Is there another channel maybe ???

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